Kalman Filter: An Implementation Perspective

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This post will summarize the basic steps required to implement Kalman filter in as a computer program. For this particular post, we will not assume the linearity of the process or measurement models, instead we will assume a generic model and derive Kalman Filtering steps for them.

We will divide the prediction and update step each into three sub-steps.

For any time step \(k\),

A. Prediction step

  • Based on the prior measurements \(\mathbb{Z}_{k-1}\), compute the expected value of the prior prediction \(\hat{x}_k^-\).
\[\hat{x}_k^- = \mathbb{E}[x_k \vert \mathbb{Z}_{k-1}] = \mathbb{E}[f_{k-1}(x_{k-1}, u_{k-1}, w_{k-1}) \vert \mathbb{Z}_{k-1}]\]
  • Determine the error covariance of the prior state estimate.
\[\Sigma_{\tilde{x}_k}^- = \mathbb{E}[(\tilde{x}_k^-)(\tilde{x}_k^-)^T]\]
  • Predict the measurement using prior state estimate.
\[\hat{z}_k = \mathbb{E}[z_k \vert \mathbb{Z}_{k-1}] = \mathbb{E}[h_k(x_k, u_k, v_k) \vert \mathbb{Z}_{k-1}]\]

B. Correction/Update step

  • Compute the Kalman gain matrix.
\[l_k = \Sigma_{\tilde{x}_k\tilde{z}_k}^-\Sigma_{\tilde{z}_k}^{-1}\]
  • Determine expected state vector of the posterior estimation.
\[\hat{x}_k^+ = \hat{x}_k^- + L_k(z_k - \hat{z}_k)\]
  • Compute the covariance matrix of the posterior estimation.
\[\Sigma_{\tilde{x}_k}^+ = \mathbb{E}[(\tilde{x}_k^+)(\tilde{x}_k^+)^T]\]

\(\Sigma_{\tilde{x}_k}^+ = \Sigma_{\tilde{x}_k}^- - L_k\Sigma_{\tilde{z}_k}L_k^T\) (Using the last proof in the previous post)

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