Software Engineering


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Traffic signal control for safe driving using C++. There are two rules to cross a junction by any vehicle (moving circles)

  • wait unless the traffic signal associated to that junction is green.
  • whoever comes first in the junction, gets the first entry into the junction (FIFO).

Each vehicle runs in a separate thread. Further, each junction (intersection) maintains a separate thread to keep track of the traffic-lights states (red/green) and how many vehicles are waiting to get into the junction. Whenever a vehicle enters into a junction, it randomly selects the next destination junction which are immediately connected to the current junction.

Please note, classes like Vehicle, Intersection, TrafficeLight and Street are all derived from the base class TrafficObject. More specifically, all these derived classes override the simulate method of the base class TrafficObject.

Further, the Graphics class is responsible for plotting the relevant objects at a frequency of 1 millisecond. It uses OpeCV to plot the frames at the specified rate. The plotting mechanism is as following, (a) plot the map (background) as a static image first. Then overlay two transparent images one for the animating traffic-light and another for animating the vehicles.

I have compiled the project using C++11 standard linked with -pthread and -opencv in NetBeans IDE. The screen-shots for the build instructions in NetBeans IDE can be found in the folder named build_setting_instructions.

Key Problems in Tree and Graph Traversal using C++

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